First Workshop on Mainstreaming Disability Issues in Water, Sanitation Held

A workshop to factor in people living with disability in the provision of sanitation, water and hygiene services in Ghana, has been held in Accra.
The first of its kind to be held in the country, the workshop, which was held on Monday April 19, 2010, was organised by the National Council of Persons with Disability (NCPD), with the support of WaterAid Ghana and attracted over 50 participants.
The participants included representatives from the National Association of the Disabled, Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), National Association of the Blind, WaterAid Ghana (WAG), Ghana Watsan Journalists Network (GWJN) and NCPD.
The rest were from Waste Wise Ghana, Ghana Disability Association, Share Care Ghana, Water & Sanitaion Platform, Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare, New Energy, and NGO, World Vision – Ghana, Ghana National Association of the Deaf and Aqua Vitens Rand Limited (AVRL).
Topics discussed included “Mainstreaming Disability Issues into Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Policy and Practice presented by CWSA as well as “Water and Sanitation Sector NGOs and the Reality of Mainstreaming Disability Issues in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Practice”, delivered by WAG.
There was also a presentation by NCPD on their mandate and role, as well as the sharing of experiences by sector NGOs such as World Vision Ghana, Church of Christ and New Energy.
After the presentations, participants posed questions and made contributions ranging from the lack of consideration for people living with disability in the construction of buildings, sanitation facilities such as toilets, to erecting platforms for bole holes or water pumps without incorporating designs that will make them accessible to the physically challenged.
The participants also passionately discussed the construction of inappropriate and very steep aprons for PWDs where they are considered in any construction because their inputs are not sought when such facilities are being put in place, after which the participants engaged in group work.
The group discussions centred on four major areas, which were identifying gaps in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) delivery, proposing measures to address the gaps and proposing minimum indicators for monitoring the integration of disability issues in WASH services.
Other areas of discussion were identifying challenges to effective participation of people living with disabilities (PWDs) in planning, implementation and monitoring of WASH service delivery and proposing mechanisms or measures to make participation of PWDs more effective.
The rest were how civil service organisations (CSOs), NCPD and the media can collaborate to influence policies and practice on issues relating to disability, proposing four most pertinent issues for advocacy and outlining the methods for achieving the advocacy targets.
The one-day workshop was addressed by Hon. E. T. Mensah, Minister for Employment and Social Welfare and chaired by Mr. Charles Appiagyei, Board Member of Action Aid Ghana and former acting Country Director of ADB Ghana, who is himself a PWD.
Speakers also included Bonchel Duut A. For NCPD, Destina Samani for WAG and Theodora Adomako-Agyei, for CWSA.


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